
Welcome to the Maps Page. Use the Regional map filters at the top of the map to change the regional areas on the map of Florida. Select the Metric map filters at the top of the map to change the regional shading of the map of Florida. The metrics on the map show the relationship between regional areas on the map. Click on the regional areas within map of Florida to display the metrics of the region in the summary box, filter the chart to the right of the map, and to produce the table of projects at the bottom of the page. Select between the "Sector" and "Grant Program" tabs above the chart to switch the organization of the data. To find out more details individual projects, click on the project names on the table at the bottom of the page. To view additional columns on the table of projects, click on the dashed area to the right of the column headers, and select the column of choice. Note: State of Florida savings are up-to-date and will continue to grow with time.


Number of Projects0
Grant Dollars0
Dollars Saved0
Electricity Saved0.00